Awww Tulips!

It's that time of year again....the tulips are in full bloom and I'm happy as a clam.  It's funny because I love to garden and don't have one tulip bulb in my yard but I LOVE to visit the tulip fields every spring.  

Normally I drive up to Mount Vernon and just choose a random field of flowers but this year I didn't feel like scrambling to find parking on the side of the road (I had the little one with me).  So me and the baby drove straight to Roozengaarde instead.  It does cost $7 to enter but it's worth it for the organized parking and the beautiful flower displays!  They also have a little store to buy trinkets or cut flowers and a food stand where you can grab lunch! 

Here are some of my favorite tulip images from this year!  


Shauna Puckett