Why at-home lifestyle photography?
You’ve had a baby. You’ve been through 9-10 months of exhaustion, nausea, 5 trips to the bathroom every night and discomfort like nothing else. You’ve grown and birthed a human being and now you are waking up every 2 hours to care for him! You’ve been through a lot and you are exhausted!
You do not need more work!
I don’t want you to have to get all dressed up. I don’t want you to have to pack up all of that baby gear. I completely understand that you are just getting the hang of nursing and the thought of having to disrupt that new schedule is scary.
That’s what makes in-home lifestyle photography so perfect. Your session take place right there in the comfort of your home. Not only are your images more natural and meaningful, your session is also relaxing and serene. Your only job is to cuddle and love on that new baby of yours. And when you need a break, I’ll help swaddle, shush and rock her to sleep.